Being Bad at Something is The Start to Being Good at Anything

Ar Cahyadi Indra
1 min readJul 31, 2016
My latest illustration. An augmented self-portrait as a birthday present for myself.
Now this is a portrait painting for my Mom’s birthday present on October 2011. I am damn proud of it when I gave it to my mom that time. Now? A bit embarrassed.

For the first time in a long while, I actually liked how my painting turns out. The amount of self-despise in this is almost non-existent, for now. It feels like I just break an internal barrier of painting mastery inside myself. This will be the benchmark for the next illustrations I paint before breaking another barrier.

On another note, I'm glad I didn't gave up painting & drawing while growing up. I'm glad I keep telling myself, "being bad at something is the start to being good at anything" every time I feel bad about my drawings and paintings. I might feel bad about myself again in the future. But I'll keep coming.

